Five Elements Acupuncture
Follow up acupuncture treatment
Service Description
Five Element Acupuncture is a traditional form of acupuncture rooted in ancient Chinese medicine principles. It focuses on restoring balance and harmony within the body by addressing imbalances in the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. These elements are not just physical substances but represent fundamental energies and qualities present in nature and within each individual. In Five Element Acupuncture, practitioners assess a person’s health through observation, questioning, and pulse diagnosis to identify any imbalances among the five elements. Each element corresponds to specific organ systems, emotions, seasons, colors, and other attributes. For example: • Wood corresponds to the liver and gallbladder organs, spring season, the color green, and qualities such as growth and flexibility. • Fire corresponds to the heart, small intestine, pericardium, and triple warmer organs, summer season, the color red, and qualities such as warmth and passion. • Earth corresponds to the spleen and stomach organs, late summer season, the color yellow, and qualities such as nurturing and stability. • Metal corresponds to the lungs and large intestine organs, autumn season, the color white, and qualities such as clarity and strength. • Water corresponds to the kidneys and bladder organs, winter season, the color blue/black, and qualities such as wisdom and adaptability. By identifying and addressing imbalances among these elements, Five Element Acupuncture aims to restore the body’s natural flow of energy, known as Qi, and promote overall health and well-being. Treatment may involve needling specific acupuncture points associated with each element, as well as incorporating lifestyle recommendations and dietary changes to support the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Five Element Acupuncture views health as a state of balance and harmony between the five elements, and illness as a result of imbalance or disharmony. Therefore, the goal of treatment is not only to alleviate symptoms but also to address the unsuffering. It helps with autoimmune disease, anxiety, insomnia, foggy, mind, fertility, and any other problems that we can experience as human beings. The initial appointment is an hour and a half to 2 hours and the follow-ups are 50 minutes to an hour. In this type of acupuncture, the needles won’t stay in they will go in interactively. the gift is this treatment is healing in every other issues as well as what you came to see me for.
Cancellation Policy
Please note that cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. Failure to cancel within this timeframe will result in the full price being charged to your account. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.